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No tears for killed Afghani migrant

Report from Sredets by Bordermonitoring Bulgaria

Last night, at around 22h, an Afghani man was shot dead in Bulgaria by border police. The murder has taken place in Sredets in southern Bulgaria, where a group of 50 migrants have been stopped by the police. The first information that reached media outlets was that the group resisted arrest which has prompted the border patrol to fire. What actually has happened is that the men were racially profiled as, according to the General Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Georgi Kostov, “they were obviously not Bulgarian citizens.”
Read the full report by Bordermonitoring Bulgaria


Report about Moria/Lesbos, which is one of the main entry points to the Balkanroute. by infomobil

++No welcome for refugees in Moria++ Hot Spot feared to become deportation machinery++

Hot Spot to be inaugurated on Friday, October 16, 2015 in Moria camp while registration procedures are malfunctioning, there is no identification system for vulnerable groups in place and living conditions are inhumane and degrading. The lack of basic needs provision leaves refugees unprotected waiting in the registration queues for hours and days.
read the full report

A father is standing in the police field near registration gates observing the queue / copyright: Salinia Stroux

Hours without access to anything… / copyright: Salinia Stroux

Croatian-Serbian border (06:30 am)

Report from Bapska

We are at Bapska border (Serbia/Croatia) for 5 days now. As we have taken the night shifts, I can only tell about them. Situation here is becoming more and more routine with the „czech volunteers“ (cv) apparently coordinating efforts of various players that would probably not directly talk to each other. Buses arrive on the Serbian site and wait for unloading until the cv tell them there will not be long waiting times. Refugees have to walk about 1km passing the tents of various aid organisations (most of them closed at night, atm there is only UNHCR/local partner, a christian group call OM, the „czechs“ and us). Raincapes are available, blankets sometimes scarce. There is tea and bread with jam. Toilets are very dirty though.
People with special needs (children, pregnant women, elderly, people with disabilities) get priority attention most of the time. On the croatian side there is some waiting for buses (at the moment there is a delay of about one hour), but after a terrible night with about 1500 people waiting in the cold rain, it seems to be better organized now.
Biggest problem now is the weather. The wind blows the tents apart and the rain floods them. While we have the option of retreating to a hostel, the refugees don’t have this choice.
Croatian-Serbian border (06:30 am) weiterlesen

Serbien-macedonian border (10 am)

Report from Presevo

Urgent call for help!

We’ve been in Presevo since two days now. The situation is horrible. A lot is needed. Thousands of people come here and have to wait up to 13 hours to 2 days in constant rain. Children and others are suffering from severe hypothermia, their hands are white from the cold. There are only one or two doctors here. A woman lost her unborn child, children were found alone in flooded tents. The police plays their power with cudgels, general (health)care is bad. We urgently need support, we need all the helpers and supplys we can get. Many volunteers have to go home tonight. We constantly try to cook warm food, but it is a huge challenge to keep the people calm, and keep them warm and provide them with food! Cab drivers try to catch the refugees before the registration to drive them anywhere to excessive prices. It seems like a mafia-like organisation. Yeserday night everything was flooded, we stood in dirty water full of garbage, up to our knees. People are wet, cold and tired. If they leave the waiting line, they have to join the queue at the very end again afterwards. Medical care in front of the waiting line is needed most of all! And there is nearly no press/media here!

source: sos konvoi

long report in german



Croatian-Serbian border (16:00)

Report from Bapska

Volunteers are not allowed anymore to help without registration at the Red Cross Croatia. But also with a registration it is forbidden to cook warm food for the refugees. It seams like the croatian police wants to expulse all volunteers out of Bapska. Per day minimum 10 to 15 buses with refugees are arriving at Bapska.


austrian-croatian border (06:00)

Report from Hegyeshalom

In the morning around 1000 refugees startet the 5 km long walk to Nickelsdorf (Austria). It is allowed to transport old and sick persons by car to the border (with walking speed ). Four Persons from Red Cross are waiting in Hegyeshalom for the arriving refugees. There is a need in moment especially for Baby- and Children shoes and warm caps and scarfs.

Kroatisch-Serbische Grenze (16:20)

Bericht aus Opatovac

Die Mobile Küche in Opatovac hat ihren Einsatz beendet. Dafür gibt es mehrere Gründe: 1. Die HelferInnen wollen sich nicht zu ErfüllungsgehilfInnen des Militärs machen. 2. Die Menschen, die ankommen wurden bereits in Bapska mit einer warmen Mahlzeit versorgt. 3. An die Menschen, die hier im Lager sitzen, ist kein direktes Rankommen mehr möglich, obwohl diese die Versorgung bräuchten. Die Küche wird sich nun einen neuen Einsatzort suchen.


Bericht aus Strošinci/Jamena

Vergangene Nacht haben rund 3000 Geflüchtete zwischen Jamena und Strosonci auf der serbischen Seite der Grenze die Nacht auf einer schmalen 1,5 km langen Strasse verbracht. In der Region finden sich immer noch etliche Landminen aus der Zeit des Jugoslawischen Bürgerkriegs. Vor Ort waren einige UnterstützerInnen, aber keine Hilforganisationen. Die Versorgunsglage ist sehr schwierig, auch aufgrund der Lage und den Landminen. Im Verlauf des Vormittags wurden auf kroatischer Seite Geflüchtete mit Bussen weggebracht. Auf der serbische Seiten kommen aktuelle keine neuen Leute mehr an.

Nach den Erfahrungen der letzten Nacht braucht es vor Ort folgende Dinge: Wasser, Energy Drinks, Müsliriegel u.ä., Bargeld, Regenmäntel und große Planen, Jacken, warme Sachen, Männerschuhe, Socken, Kopflampen mit Batterien, Müllsäcke (200 l, viele).

Eine Karte, die alle bekannten Orte entlang der Balkanroute zeigt, an denen Grenzübertritte stattfinden oder sich Camps befinden, findet ihr HIER.