Hungary-Croatia-Slovenia (1 pm)

Hungary closed the so-called “green border” to Croatia. Illegal border crossings on this border are very dangerous as they are now heavily punishable by law – same as on the border to Serbia!
Croatia changed the route for the “humanitarian corridor” and transports people now to the Slovenian instead of the Hungarian border (more details below). Although Austria raises police and military presence at their southern borders (with Slovenia & Italy), Austria and Germany still have their borders open for controlled transit. Austrian, Slovenian and Croatian authorities have said they will continue with the “humanitarian corridor” and will only change their behaviour if Germany starts to close its borders.

The green border between hungary and Croatia is closed since friday evening. The Croatian government now brings people from the borderarea (where people still enter through Bapska) by train to Čakovec (near the Slovenian border), from there there are at the moment transported several buses to the border crossings Gornji Macelj and Musrko Središće/ Petisovci.
Slovenia started to bring the first transports toward the Austrian border, before that the people got registered in Šentilj. There is infos that Slovenia will keep the corridor until Austria and Germany decide on other policies. On the Croatian side it seems that authorites try to slow down the moving of people. In Austria People are arriving in Spielfeld and Bad Ratkersburg.