Der formalisierte Korridor über den Balkan stellte eine Zäsur dar. Rund eine Million Geflüchtete reisten 2015/2016 über ihn von Griechenland aus nach West- und Nordeuropa. Die interaktive Timeline veranschaulicht den Zusammenbruch und die darauf folgende Restrukturierung des Europäischen Grenzregimes: Von der Einführung des „72-Stunden-Papiers“ im Mazedonien im Juni 2015 bis zur Räumung des informellen Camps in Idomeni im Mai 2016. Autor: Marc Speer /
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Timeline Balkan
Dimitrovgrad/Serbia – January 2016
by InfoPark
January 2016 was the quietest month so far in Dimitrovgrad since September 2015. About 2000 refugees passed through the registration camp, 70% Afghans, 25% Iraqis (mostly Yazidi), the rest Syrians plus an occasional non-SIA migrant from Bangladesh, Pakistan or Iran. After a very slow start of the year, numbers picked up to about 100-150 per day.
Dimitrovgrad/Serbia – January 2016 weiterlesen
Dimitrovgrad / Serbia – Beginning of January 2016 Report (01-10.1.2016)
by InfoPark
The beginning of 2016 was very slow in Dimitrovgrad. The refugee influx was almost non existing in the first days of the new year. The town was snowed in and temperatures were very low (up to -12C overnight). The extended NYE holidays on both sides of the border and especially a start of the hunting season in Bulgaria (which scared refugees who are using forest tracks) lead to decreasing number of refugees averaging about 20-30 daily.
Dimitrovgrad / Serbia – Beginning of January 2016 Report (01-10.1.2016) weiterlesen
Situation in Dimitrovgrad (Bulgarian/Serbian border)
by Jacob (independent volunteer)
General Situation
Dimitrovgrad is a small town in Serbia of 12,000 inhabitants and located near the Bulgarian border. Since the beginning of last summer, 100 to 200 refugees arrive in Dimitrovgrad every single day coming from Bulgaria. Due to the short distance to Sofia (the capital of Bulgaria), Dimitrovgrad is currently the most important hotspot for migrants crossing the Serbian-Bulgarian border. Refugees traveling through Bulgaria usually enter Bulgaria near the Turkish town Edirne. After Bulgaria they usually cross Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria and stay in Germany, or they go further to Belgium, Netherlands, the UK or the Scandinavian countries. Most of the refugees arriving in Dimitrovgrad end up there, because the did not have enough money for the passage from Turkey to one of the Greek islands, which requires at least 1.000 EUR per person for paying the smugglers operating the boats.
Situation in Dimitrovgrad (Bulgarian/Serbian border) weiterlesen
Volunteers On The Rise
Solidarity with the protesters and hunger strikers in Idomeni!
We are currently setting up an Infopoint for the people who are pushed back at the Greek-Macedonian Border in Idomeni.
In order to show the people who are protesting that their calls are being heard and their struggle is recognised in Europe and across the world, we are asking for individuals and groups to send statements of solidarity: small moments of support for those fighting for their freedom of movement. Declarations of unity to those struggling against Fortress Europe. Send us whatever sign of support comes to your mind. We will be present in Idomeni with printer, megaphone and camera. We will print all statement, photographs and poems. Play the words of solidarity. And report back on what happens. Let us prove that no fence, no wall and no military presence can seal borders. Let us be there to show support and solidarity to those in struggle. And if not in person, than in word, picture and sound. Send us your solidarity call to!
Walls fall only when those shaking their foundations are being heard!
Croatian-Slovenian border
News from a kitchen working at the spot:
- in the morning the UNHCR set up another tent
- at 6 pm a train with 1800 people arrived in Cakovec
- people were sent with buses to Sredisce
- 300 came to Petisovci, 1200 stayed, 300 to Brezice?
- at the night: 2000-4000 people apparently crossed the Croatian-Slovenian border by foot (Brogova / Dobrova)
- Brezice ist the main registration center, structures and support are there. Food is provided, but probably now warm food.
- NEEDED: men‘s clothes, shoes size 40 and taller, warm & rain clothes (jackets & coats)
Croatian-Slovenian border
News from a kitchen working at the spot:
- about 11 pm 5 buses with refugees arrived in Petisovsci (Slovenia) from Cakovec (Croatia)
- people got hot food & clothes & left over night again
- 10,000 people reached Croatia
- they don‘t seem to accept Slovenia‘s restriction of only 2,500 people per day, so more could come over